Black Perigord Caviar

Black Perigord’s Caviar is a true heritage in this wonderful Black Perigord country where the Gastronomy  tradition has been passed on from generation to generation.

Perle Noire Caviar, is also at one with nature within its  preserved forest domains, the high quality of its mineral soil and water is unrivalled.

The Perle Noire Caviar belongs to the French Acquitaine caviar family.

All our Caviar comes from an environementally protected zone

Our sites have sheltered trout farms for more than 50 years : the purity of waters and brooks and their ideal cool water establish a perfect environment for our fish. In recent years due to modernization and adaptation of our installations, we have been able to introduce sturgeons. They are slowly growing in conditions near to there natural habitat and they have a large space to develop in our ponds.

We do not use treatments and our fish are disease free.

Our natural farms are situated in a 2000 Natura Zone (Natural zones dedicated to preserving biodiversity) where  the very pure water is permanently renewed .

This water is classified number one in "farming rank" (best ecological integrity) enables the harmonious development of our sturgeons.

In the words of our processing manager

« We take a great pride in the fact that we have the possibilty to present such quality product made in France. Today we can compete with historical caviar processors, thanks to our know-how and the Perigourdin environnement which is very favorable for sturgeon farming."

Producing Perle Noire Caviar requires patience.

Millions of years were necessary for the geological layer to be formed, the very pure water which supplies our ponds flows through the filter.

Millions of years were necessary for the sturgeon, this prehistoric fish, to reach us.

Decades were necessary for men  to perfectly control the delicate technique of producing caviar.

Seven years were necessary, in the heart of the Black Perigord, for this fingerling to becomes an adult fish measuring 1 meter in lenght and weighting 5 to 10 kg.